Other Bibliography Formats


This is the first draft of this document. Please send any comments to dana@acm.org

This is basically a jumbled collection of information about formats I don't know enough about to say anything on.

Text Encoding Initiative Headers

From weibel@oclc.org, Library Standards and URIs: Part of a ten year project to define the structure (in SGML) of scholarly text. Considerable attention has been paid to mapping into and out of existing bibliographic data models.

The online specs can be browsed at http://etext.virginia.edu/TEI.html.

Also see:

The Documentation of Electronic Texts Using Text Encoding Initiative  
Headers: An Introduction 
Richard Giordano 
Library Resources and Technical Services 
38(4) 389-401 1994 
   Discusses the benefits and possible faults of the TEI header as a 
   basis for electronic text cataloging.  A basic introduction to TEI 

Cataloging Electronic Texts: The University of Virginia Library  
Edward Gaynor 
Library Resources and Technical Services 
38(4) 403-413 
   Describes one of the first efforts to integrate electronic document 
   cataloging in a conventional library environment; discusses aspects 
   of mapping between TEI headers and MARC records. 

The TRI header is described in Chapter 5 of the TEI documents.

Here is an example TEI header:

<TEI2><TEIHEADER TYPE="text" CREATOR="American Memory, Library of
 Congress" DATE.CREATED="09/08/93">
<TITLE>Powers of Congress to prohibit inequality, caste and oligarchy
of the skin. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, delivered in the
Senate of the United States, February 5, 1869: a machine-readable
<TITLE>Winning the Vote for Women: The National American Woman Suffrage
Association Collection; American Memory, Library of Congress.</TITLE>
<RESP><ROLE>Selected and 
converted.</ROLE><NAME>American Memory, Library of
Congress. </NAME></RESP>
<P>Washington, 1993.</P>
<P>Preceding element provides place and date of transcription
<P>This transcription intended to be 99.95% accurate.</P>
<P>For more information about this text and this American Memory
collection, refer to accompanying matter.</P>
<COLL>Selected from the National American Woman Suffrage Association
Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of
<COPYRIGHT>Copyright status not determined.</COPYRIGHT>

Core Bibliographic Record

From weibel@oclc.org, Library Standards and URIs: A new standard of bibliographic description, positioned between full cataloging minimal level cataloging standards. The goal is to reduce the costs of cataloging without substantially compromising the usefulness of the resulting records. May provide some insights as to a target level of description for electronic resources.

Also see:

The Core Record: A New Bibliographic Standard 
Willy Cromwell 
Library Resources and Technical Services 
38(4) 415-424 1994 
   A background paper on the development of a new cataloging level 
   intended to reduce the costs of cataloging; less extensive than 
   conventional full-level cataloging, more detailed than minimal-level 


See the OCLC ILL transfer documents for more information. This has to do with the CCITT x.409 and ISO 8825 Standards. Here's some more info:
            Table 3. File Formats: Required and Optional Fields
                        ASN.1        Maximum   
Field                   field ID     Length             Format
Required Fields
EPIC_ILL_REC            [33]            N/A             N/A
SOURCE                  [43]            1               ascii text - Value (x or X)
SEQUENCE NUMBER         [44]            10              ascii text
PROCESSING DATE         [45]            8               ascii text (YYYYMMDD)
EPIC_FS_AUTHOS_NUMBER   [46]            10              ascii text
BORROW_LIB_SYMBOL       [4]             3               ascii text
TITLE                   [13]            500             ascii text
VERIFIED                [21]            500             ascii text
PATRON                  [22]            500             ascii text

Optional fields
UNIFORM TITLE           [47]            500             ascii text
NEEDBEFORE_DATE         [5]             8               ascii text (YYYYMMDD)
AUTHOR                  [12]            500             ascii text
EDITION                 [14]            500             ascii text
IMPRINT                 [15]            500             ascii text
SERIES_NOTE             [48]            500             ascii text
DISSERTATION_NOTE       [49]            500             ascii text
ARTICLE                 [16]            500             ascii text
VOLUME                  [17]            71              ascii text
SERIAL_NO               [18]            72              ascii text
DATE                    [19]            70              ascii text
PAGES                   [20]            67              ascii text
SHIP_TO                 [23]            500             ascii text
BILL_TO                 [24]            500             ascii text
SHIP_VIA                [25]            66              ascii text
MAXCOST                 [26]            67              ascii text
BORROWING_NOTES         [28]            500             ascii text
will not be retained as part of the PRISM ILL record. They are present for 
error recovery only.

[Back to Formats]
14 December 1994
Dana Jacobsen